Breast Cancer Screening
Give yourself the advantage of early detection. Talk to your doctor today about scheduling your screening.
Depression Screening And Treatment
Depression can affect anyone. It’s serious, and it doesn’t just go away. If you’re feeling depressed, alone, overwhelmed or anxious, don’t wait. We’re here to help. Give us a call for a screening and treatment.
Destination: Health
Make sure your child will grow up strong, resilient, and ready to explore the world.
Stay up-to-date on their immunizations. Call for an appointment today!
Sign Up For MyChart
Securely access your health care information and communicate with MCHC when it’s convenient for you.
As a community-based healthcare provider serving people of all ages and walks of life, we are committed to helping you feel better by providing medical, dental and behavioral health care in Mendocino and Lake Counties.
Our Mission
To provide compassionate, high-quality care for our communities.
Our Vision
To create a community where all people reach their full potential for health and well-being.
Our Values
Compassion, Integrity, Service