It is recommended that every person who is sexually active, regardless of risk factor should get tested at least once for HIV as a routine part of medical care and that others at high risk get tested for HIV at least once a year. Even though HIV testing is recommended as part of routine medical care, many doctors do not offer testing for HIV (or other STDs) unless you specifically ask to be tested.
We provide confidential HIV testing at our health centers. You can also receive HIV testing and support from these community partners:
MCAVHN – Mendocino County AIDS/Viral Hepatitis Network
(707) 462-1932
148 Clara Avenue, Ukiah, Ca 95482
Hepatitis C and Anonymous HIV Testing
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9am-5pm and Tuesdays 1pm-5pm
CCHAP -Community Care HIV/AIDS Program
Contact CCHAP for anonymous test dates and locations.
Mendocino County (707) 462-3041
301 S. State Street, Ukiah, Ca 95482
Lake County (707) 995-1606
8050 Lake Street, Ste. A, Lower Lake, CA 95457
ADAP – AIDS Drug Assistance Programs
State and federally assisted prescription drug program for HIV medications
Mendocino County (707) 472-2710
Lake County (707) 263-1090