Health Matters: Understanding Gestational Diabetes September 20, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN One of the best kept secrets about pregnancy is that it is a sneak preview into your future health. Conditions that come […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Good Nutrition for Youth Athletes September 6, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Young athletes demand more from their bodies, so they need to resource them properly. Good nutrition and hydration allow children and teens […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Returning to School During COVID-19 August 23, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN As happens every year, the long summer that stretched out in front of us in June has already whizzed by. It’s hard […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Blending Holistic and Western Medicine August 11, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Many years ago, a patient came to see me because she was feeling deeply depressed about the death of her newborn. As […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Don’t Salt It Until You Taste It July 27, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Many of us have a habit of salting our food before we taste it. It seems harmless, but is it? About half […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: The Pros and Cons of Sunshine July 12, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN As summer hits full force, it’s important to remember that sunshine brings both health benefits and risks. Sun exposure allows us to […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Men’s Health: A Guide for Those Who Don’t Go to the Doctor July 2, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Ignorance and denial are both powerful, but they don’t work when it comes to your health. June is Men’s Health Month, so […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Post-partum Depression and Anxiety in a Pandemic June 14, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Having a newborn changes everything, whether it is a first baby, an addition to an active toddler, or one of many children. […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Is This Allergies or COVID? June 1, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Many people suffer from seasonal allergies every spring, so right now is prime time for runny noses, sneezing, coughs, headaches, and feeling […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Health Matters: Managing Chaos with Kids at Home May 17, 2021 | BY MCHC Health Centers COMMUNITY HEALTH, HEALTH MATTERS/NEWS COLUMN Here’s a scene that will feel familiar to many. After getting your children up and dressed in the morning, you feed them […]... READ THE FULL ARTICLE